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Blog Posts from WWVDN

Camp Primetime 2024

13 families went to Camp Primetime July 16-18th. Camp Primetime is a private camp on Clear Lake off of White Pass in Washington State. This camp is for campers that have disabilities or life-threatening illnesses and their families. There are 16 cabins available; two are ADA accessible cabins that have a bathroom and shower in the cabins. This camp is free with a $25.00 deposit to hold your spot. Volunteers come and do all the cooking and engage with the families in attendance. Our volunteers came from Othello Christian Church. The camp also consists of an accessible treehouse, playground, basketball court, lodge for all meals and a huge playroom off the dining area with games, toys and crafts to enjoy. They had dinner ready for us on Tuesday evening when we arrived and set up the movie and popcorn in the treehouse that night. Wednesday our wonderful volunteers took families out on the lake on the pontoon boat and even let the kids drive the boat. Horseback riding was available just down the road through White Pass outfitters. They were so wonderful and took care of two new riders with great care. A big shout out to them - they were so professional and so kind. The afternoon was filled with hiking, fishing, and families connecting with one another. A much-deserved nap or two was even taken for the parents. After dinner we celebrated two birthdays with a piñata and cupcakes and moved on to a campfire, s'mores and a sing along. On Thursday, after breakfast it was time to say goodbye and travel home.

What I love about this camp is that we are well taken care of while we are there and more importantly it is a time to connect with other families that understand your journey. Kids play with one another and make friends and parents can relax without worrying about their children or stares from others. Please let Ysabel and I know if you would like to experience this wonderful camp for your family or volunteer your time in the next couple of years. To learn more about camp primetime go to their website at: Please enjoy some pictures from our time together.

- Angie Witt, P2P/Informing Families Coordinator

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