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Blog Posts from WWVDN

WWVDN Summer Camp 2024

The end of summer is nearing which means the Walla Walla Valley Disability Network has wrapped up another successful and fun Summer Camp season.

Each day dawned new creations or new guests to camp. On day one of this year our campers had the privilege of meeting Nicholas, Pioneer Park's African spurred tortoise. They were able to pet the tortoise and feed him some lettuce as they asked questions of his caretaker, Becky Donley. Later that afternoon we played octopus tag, made tortoise bracelets, Jelly fish in a bottle, ocean slime, painted sea shells, and made sinking plankton. 

Day two brought us the Walla Walla Symphony and their Instrument Petting Zoo. Program coordinator Emily James and her two teaching artists, Dylan and Kaiona, brought bells, violins, boom whackers, tambourines, and more for our campers to try out. Everyone had a turn to play each of the instruments and in the very end play a song together. This day also brought us board games, painting our own maracas, Lego building, balloon tennis and more! 

Day three was share your talent day! Participants dressed up and show cased their talents with us. We were able to enjoy both singing and dancing performances from several of our campers. This was also space day, which meant campers were able to excavate clay planets for gems, sew their own planets, astronauts, or rockets. They even had astronaut themed snacks (freeze dried treats), made hover crafts and pet aliens.

Day four we were visited by Lori Connall, the CEO of Little Equine Angels, who brought three of her certified miniature horses (all the way from Texas) so that the campers could each have a turn petting the horses and leading them around. Afterwards participants built and painted bird houses, farm magnets, and constructed felt and bead animals.

On our last day together we explored the theme of fantasy. Participants made their own bouncy balls, crafted foil art, and let their imaginations and creativity flow as the made their own puppets and painted unicorns and dinosaurs.

Throughout the week participants played outside on the play ground during lunch, had access to the Chill Zone (Library books, pillows, quiet movie, and sensory fidgets), made bracelets, paintings, explored sensory bins, and played miniature golf, frisbee golf and other group games.

Campers had a summer send off at Veteran's Memorial Pool where they were able to swim with their camp friends and family. The WWVDN also hosted our annual meeting at that time and the campers creations were displayed and their talent videos were played for all the guests to see.

We had a wonderful time at camp this year and are already looking forward to next year!

Thank you to Yancey Winans Testamentary Trust for providing the funding for this year's summer camp.