Donation Options
Thank you for making a difference in the lives of children and adults with disabilities and their families. Your gift is greatly appreciated.
Send a gift from your IRA (link to
You can make a tax-free distribution from your individual retirement account (IRA) without incurring federal income tax on the withdrawal. IRA owners age 70½ and older can make up to $105,000 in tax-free charitable donations during 2024 through qualified charitable distributions. For those age 73 or older, qualified charitable distributions (QCDs) also count toward the year's required minimum distribution (RMD). To learn more, follow the link to above.
Planned Giving
If you are interested in including Walla Walla Valley Disability Network in your estate plan or as a beneficiary of an insurance or retirement plan, please contact us via email at
Give with Venmo
To send donations through Venmo, please look for us @wwvdnp2psoar