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Calendar of Events

Events this month

Please register for SOAR: Disney's Beauty and the Beast live performance by clicking the link (blue button) above.
If you are registering here, this is only for SOAR participants (must be 13 years or older.) Registration closes June 1 at 6:00 pm.

Saturday, August 10, 2024. Walla Walla Summer Theater's performance of Disney's Beauty and the Beast at Cordiner Hall is made possible by a joint collaboration of Walla Walla Summer Theater and Walla Walla Valley Disability Network.

If you are registering through this link, you are registering for SOAR participants only. All SOAR participants will be sitting together in the first 2 rows of the theater. Tickets must be purchased in advance before June 1, 2024 and there will be no "Pay Later" option offered.

SOAR participants will meet at 1:30 pm. The performance will start at 2:00pm and is scheduled to end around 4:30pm.

**If you would like to attend this performance in a non-SOAR capacity, Walla Walla Summer Theater has graciously offered to discount all tickets for WWVDN families at the Saturday, August 10 2:00pm performance by 50%. To receive this discount, please pre-register here ( ) to receive your promo code and link to select your seat and purchase tickets for the performance.