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Calendar of Events

Events this month

SOAR in September : Karaoke Night

Thursday, September 5, 2024
5:00 pm7:00 pm

SOAR events are for individuals age 13 and older. Registration for each event closes the Sunday before the event at 6:00 pm.

Remaining September SOAR activities are as follows:

Thursday, Sept 5, 2024 - Karaoke Night (Registration closes Sept 1 at 6pm)
Time: 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Cost: No cost to sing, but bring money for food (pre-order is REQUIRED if you plan to eat there).

Karaoke is free, however, please bring $ (money) if you want to get some dinner and desserts there! Please pre-order your meal by using the Google Form when you sign up and pay when you get there - THIS IS REQUIRED (there is a no meal option as well if you don't plan to eat there). Please indicate which two songs you would like to sing when you sign up (One song is guaranteed; most of the time you will get to sing twice). Must include the artist and song name.

Food pre-order through this link:


Sunday, Sept 8, 2024 - Bowling
Time: 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Cost: Bring money to pay for your shoe rental, bowling games, and any food you order.

Come and join us for a great day of fun and friends! Please bring money for your games (anywhere from 1-3 games), shoe rental, and food.


Friday, Sept 20, 2024 - Movie Night (Transformers One)
Time: To be determined (will know by Tuesday the 17th)
Cost: Bring money to pay for your movie ticket and any food you order.

Please bring money to purchase your ticket and any concessions you would like.

You will receive a text Tuesday or Wednesday to confirm the time.

For our Spanish speaking friends, please download the TheaterEars App (links below) and enjoy the movie in Spanish in real time! Don't forget to bring headphones!!

TheaterEars App - iPhone Download -
TheaterEars App - Android Download -


Please register for the events you wish to attend by clicking the Registration button above.

Thank You to our Sponsors