Walla Walla Valley Disability Network does not endorse or recommend any particular products, treatments, services or diagnosis, whether specifically or generally, and professional advice should be sought in relation to all health and treatment decisions. We provide information and listings only which we hope are helpful.
Healthcare & Diagnosis

This brief overview discusses Autism as a spectrum, lists common features of Autism, and describes how it is commonly diagnosed.
One way to understand the Autism Spectrum.
Can you S.P.O.T. the Early Signs of Autism?
Take the two-minute Screening Questionnaire. Screening is the first step in understanding your child's world and helping them be the best they can be.
This scientifically validated screening test assesses autism risk in children ages 16 to 30 months. It takes just a few minutes to complete, and you can print and take the results to your doctor. This is not meant to diagnose, but to assess.
Helpful information for recognizing potential signs of Autism spectrum disorder as well as tips for doctor/dental visits, nutrition considerations, health insurance, and more.
This web site has information and worksheets for adults on the autism spectrum, supporters, and healthcare providers. It focuses on primary healthcare, or healthcare with a regular doctor.
CDC is committed to continuing to provide essential data on ASD, search for factors that put children at risk for ASD and possible causes, and develop resources that help identify children with ASD as early as possible.
Formed in 2003, Northwest Autism Center (located in Spokane, WA) exists to build, facilitate, and coordinate comprehensive services for those with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disabilities through the lifespan, using community based approaches.
What should I ask when making my child's appointment for evaluation for Autism Spectrum Disorder?
Your DNA may spark answers! We want to speed up research and advance the understanding of autism. It’s simple. It’s free.
The world of autism spectrum disorders is constantly changing and we at Seattle Children’s Autism Center are eager to share with parents and caregivers what we continue to learn. This blog is designed to be a resource on autism as well as to give you an opportunity to comment on our posts and engage with our experts.
A mobile app was successful at distinguishing toddlers diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) from typically developing toddlers based on their eye movements while watching videos, according to a study funded by the National Institutes of Health. The findings suggest that the app could one day screen infants and toddlers for ASD and refer them for early intervention, when chances for treatment success are greatest.
Where Do I Go For An Autism Diagnosis?
Autism Diagnosis Sites in Washington & Portland, OR
This pdf (updated September 2019) lists where to get an Autism Diagnosis, phone numbers, and websites.
Additionally, this pdf gives more detailed information. -
If your child has a developmental disorder or delay, the doctors and staff at Providence have the expertise to evaluate, diagnose and treat them. Children can be referred for evaluation to receive an Autism diagnosis. All five of the Washington Medicaid state plans are accepted, and referrals must be faxed to 509-598-2124. Their phone # is 509-474-5440.
Seattle Children's Autism Center provides assessment, diagnosis, treatment and support for autism spectrum disorders. We offer a range of medical and mental health services for babies, children and young adults.
Elizabeth Vossenkemper, a pediatric nurse practitioner within TCCH is a certified Autism COE Provider and offers many services to those in our community affected by autism or other developmental delays.
The WSU Psychology Clinic offers best-practice Psychological Assessment services for people of all ages, including children, adolescents, adults, and their families.
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) cannot be diagnosed through a blood or genetic test. Instead, a child receives comprehensive evaluations, that take place at Children's Village, from a team of specialized practitioners. They can then properly diagnose ASD and decide what therapies or services are necessary to best support the child and family. The ASD Diagnostic Clinic occurs two to three times monthly.