Overview of Valley Transit public transportation options, housing options from Valley Residential Services, and practical tips from moms whose sons are roommates. Presented March 9, 2022.
Focus on the importance of inclusion for children with disabilities, and why inclusive early learning spaces benefit all learners.
Presented November 2021 -
Nos enfocamos en la importancia de la inclusión para los niños con discapacidadesy por qué los espacios inclusivos de aprendizaje temprano benefician a todos los estudiantes.
Overview of what an estate is, wills, beneficiary designation forms, special needs trusts (private and pooled), and ABLE accounts and how to insure a person with special needs is financially cared for without losing their benefits. Presented April 15, 2020.
What happens after a student in special education at Walla Walla High School graduates? How are they prepared for life after high school? What job opportunities exist? What services for job supports exist? What is the STEP program?
What happens after a student in special education at College Place High School graduates? How are they prepared for life after high school? What job opportunities exist? What services for job supports exist? What is the ABLE program?
Includes: Educator/Parent Panel Discussion, Deaf Culture, Healthy Relationships, and OSPI Update.
Transition Expo 2019 Overview
16 agencies share a brief overview of the services they provide in the Walla Walla Valley area for individuals and families with developmental disabilities.
Este video de 30 minutos ofrece una descripción general rápida de 16 agencias locales que ofrecen servicios y / u oportunidades para personas con discapacidades y sus familias en la transición de la escuela preparatoria al empleo, la independencia y una vida de gran calidad.
An inclusive education channel supporting the teaching and learning for ALL students - each video won’t be longer than FIVE MINUTES - because let’s be honest, as teachers, we don’t have a lot of time!
The Consumer Directed Employer (CDE) is a new entity to manage the administrative functions of the Individual Provider workforce.
Watch this brief video to see the book "In the Sea" signed in American Sign Language.
Confused about the meaning of People First language and Identity First language?
This 23-minute live action and animated documentary about autism and sensory perception premiered at the United Nations as part of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.