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Parent to Parent Stories

Ashley Mendoza

Picture of two women posing with a person dressed in a yellow rubber ducky costume

Written by: The Mother of Ashley Mendoza

Ashley G. Mendoza tiene 17 años es hija única para mi que soy su mama siempre será mi niña. Tiene Distrofia Muscular y usa silla de ruedas es una niña muy fuerte con su discapacidad me ha demostrado que puede hacer muchas cosas, va a terminar ya la escuela y su meta es poder ir a la universidad, aunque tengamos mucho miedo por todos los retos que tiene que pasar por su discapacidad. Sabemos que será un poco difícil, pero ella me ha demostrado muchas veces que puede hacer todo lo que ella se proponga.

Mis sentimientos sobre mi hija han sido etapas de tristeza en mi vida, dolor y frustración, pero he podido seguir adelante por ella pasar cada etapa han sido un reto en mi vida junto con ella.

Cuando nos dieron su diagnostico fue una etapa muy dolorosa, pero encontré un programa que fue Mamas Especiales para mi fue un escape a lo que yo estaba pasando y ahí encontré apoyo en todas mis necesidades como una buena amiga donde yo podía hablar con ellas pedir consejos y no sentirme sola también, programas que me ayudaron mucho con mi hija.

Deseo ver a mi hija cumplir todos sus sueños en su vida, va a ser un poquito complicado, pero yo sé que lo va a lograr.

Ashley G. Mendoza is 17 years old, she is an only child, for me I am her mother, she will always be my girl. She has Muscular Dystrophy and uses a wheelchair, she is a very strong girl with her disability. She has shown me that she can do many things, she is going to finish school and her goal is to be able to go to university, although we are very afraid because of all the challenges she has to go through due to her disability. We know it will be a little difficult, but she has shown me many times that she can do anything she sets her mind to. My feelings about my daughter have been stages of sadness in my life, pain and frustration, but I have been able to move forward because of her going through each stage has been a challenge in my life, pain and frustration, but I have been able to move forward because of her going through each stage has been a challenge in my life along with her. When they gave us their diagnosis it was a very painful stage, but I found a program that was Mamas Especiales for me, it was an escape from what I was going through and there I found support in all my needs as a good friend where I could talk to them, ask for advice and not feel alone too, programs that helped me a lot with my daughter. I want to see my daughter fulfill all her dreams in her life, it's going to be a little complicated, but I know she's going to make it.

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