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Parent to Parent Stories

Cody's Story

Written by: Bernice (Cody's Mother)

Cody was born September 13, 2005 at Walla Walla General Hospital. He was born with Down syndrome and had holes in his heart which required him to have open heart surgery sixteen days after he was born. Cody's first few days in this world were hard. The doctors told us it was highly unlikely Cody would ever learn to walk on his own or communicate. It was hard on the family, but thank goodness for Parent to Parent and all their support. That's when we met Carla Nibler who helped us through the hard times with her friendship, kindness, and knowledge. Knowledge she had due to also having a son with special needs. With all the support from Parent to Parent, the SOAR program, and the Walla Walla Valley Disability Network, Cody has grown to be a very independent young man. 

Cody has grown so much over the years. He is currently a senior in College Place High School. Some of his hobbies include basketball, baseball, camping, playing the drums, airplanes, swimming, ATV riding, going on walks with papa, and the Special Olympics. Miraculously, many of these activities we were told he would never be able to do before. We love him so much and couldn't see our lives without him. He made our family stronger, our little sidekick. His smile alone always brightens up our day.

I guess That's all for now. We can't wait to see what God has planned next on Cody's journey and adventure in life. Like Cody always shows us don't forget to smile! 

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