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Parent to Parent Stories


Picture of two women posing with a person dressed in a yellow rubber ducky costume

Written by: The Mother of Kevin

Kevin nacio el 12 de mayo 2015, en el hospital de mujeres y ninos TRIOS en Kennewick, Washington. Los doctores que lo recibieron fueron: el Dr. William y la doctora Maria Guevara. Kevin peso 8 libras con 2 oz. y midio 21 pulgadas. Kevin estuvo 24 horas en el hospital. Todo fue normal; empezo a moverse a los 2 meses y a los 3 meses de edad comenzo a gatear. A los 4 meses empezo a pararse y a sentare. Tambien en su communicacion empezo a decir mama y papa. Todo estaba bien. Aunque siempre note que tenia mucha energia, es hiperactivo y casi o duerme. A la edad de 4 anos lo diagnosticaron con autismo. Kevin ahora tiene 8 anos y esta yendo a la escuela y le gusta mucho jugar con agua. En la casa le gusta andar sin ropa y meterse a banar; remover el zacate del jardin; y mercerse en la hamaca que tengo en el portal de la entrada. Esta recibiendo terapias de habla porque casi no habla, aunque ya empezo a decir frases cortas realizar sus rutinas. Si esta progresando. En el grupo de Padres a Padres encontre un apoyo para mi, ya no me siento sola. Mamas Especiales es el grupo de mamas que hablamos espanol. Cuando nos reunimos compartimos lo que nos esta pasando y siempre es bonito que alguien te preste una oreja que te escuche y un hombro para recargarte si es necesario. En los dias de descanso las invito a mi casa a que me visiten y les hago de comer. Tambien cuando tengo preguntas les hablo por telefono para que me ayuden a tomar una decision, o simplemente que me den sus opiniones basadas en sus experiencias. A cualquier hora. Juntas vamos al parque como el 4 de julio, o en alguna feria informativa. Estamos conectadas tambien a traves de la media Whatsapp y Facebook.

Kevin was born on May 12, 2015, at TRIOS Women's and Children's Hospital in Kennewick, Washington. The doctors who received him were Dr. William and Dr. Maria Guevara. Kevin weighed 8 lbs. and 2 oz. He measured 21 inches. Kevin was in the hospital for 24 hours. Everything was normal; He started moving at 2 months old and at 3 months he started crawling. The 4th month he started sitting and began to say "mom" and "dad." Everything was fine, though I always noticed that he had a lot of energy. When he was 4 years old he was diagnosed with Autism. Kevin is now 8 years old and going to school and really enjoys playing with water. At home he likes to walk around without clothes and take baths, remove grass from the garden, and rock back and forth in the hammock I have by the entrance. He is receiving speech therapy because he hardly speaks, although he has already started to form short sentences when performing his routines. In the Parent-to-Parent group I found support for myself, and I no longer feel alone. Mamas Especiales is the group of mothers who speak Spanish. When we get together we share what's happening to us, and it's always nice to have someone lend you an ear to listen and a shoulder to recharge if needed. On rest days I invite them to my house to visit me and I make them food. Also when I have questions I talk to them on the phone to help me make a decision, or simply give me their opinions based on their experiences. Together we go to the park for the 4th of July, or some information fair. We are also connected through Whatsapp and Facebook.

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